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PDF Converter

Free online PDF converter review

I am always searching for good PDF converter online. It is a very useful tool and I use it a lot for small average jobs.

As a result of my previous articles, the guys from contact me to review their online service.

I was surprised to find a very clean interface and very fast and accurate pdf related services. Yes, there are a lot of other PDF edit  functions on this site, beside PDF converting ones, like:

  • PDF merger (combine as many pdf documents as you like)
  • PDF splitter
  • PDF compressor (makes file 40% smaller)
  • PDF rotator (interesting is that you can rotate only some specific pages from a multiple page document)
  • PDF protect (you can set up a password for you pdf file)
  • PDF grayscale (convert color documents to grayscale ones)

I tested all of these functions and they work perfectly. You have to be aware that those functions are for average users, that don’t need to do professionals pdf editing jobs.

But the big and very various part of the site is the …

PDF converter service

So you can convert:

  • PDF to image (jpg, png, bmp, and tiff)
  • PDF to Word – known as OCR service is very useful
  • PDF to Excel – also an OCR function available only on paid software

There are also converters that I couldn’t find even on paid OCR software like:

  • PDF to PPTX (PowerPoint files)
  • PDF to TXT
  • PDF to EPUB (specialized eBook files)
  • PDF to SVG (specialized files websites design like logos with transparent background)

You can do also some reverse conversions like:

  • Word to PDF
  • Image to PDF
  • Epub to PDF
  • Latex to PDF – if you don’t have a clue like what those files are you can read here about them.

I tested all of the above and they work very well, fast and accurate.


  • Fast and accurate PDF converter service
  • Drag and drop interface
  • Very intuitive interface
  • The files are cleaned from the server after 15 minutes
  • The service is totally free not like other sites that I review in previous articles


  • For the majority of those services, you can work with files that have a maximum of 5 Mb. It means that you can work with black and white documents with maximum 10 pages and with color documents that have 4-5 pages. That is for printed documents that have to be 300 dpi. If you have documents that are destinated for the screen ( documents for websites or presentations has 72 dpi), you can work with files with many more pages. I understand this restriction from the point of view of much larger resources needed. May in the future they will increase the file size that you can process.
  • The PNG files that I obtained from pdf documents don’t appear to be with transparent background as they should be. But this is a very surprising function that even professional software doesn’t have. So I couldn’t expect that a free service can do this.
  • Some PDF files that I converted to Word documents have some minor errors, but the service is much better than others I tested.

Looking forward

In the meantime, they promise to send me a desktop version of their online software that I am very anxious to test it.

So see you later!


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash



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